
Thursday, January 10, 2013


My visa arrived yesterday morning, HALLELUJAH! I have more or less finished my packing, hooray for not procrastinating until the very very last minute! I'm still debating whether or not a backpack can pass for my "purse" in addition to a carry on. We shall see.

Elizabeth is currently in the middle of purchasing her ticket to come meet up with me in London after I am done student teaching. I am very much looking forward to our possible travels!! We are looking into different cities to visit in Germany, France, and Spain. It is so excellent to have friends in different parts of Europe to possibly meet up with. Especially if they speak the local language :) My French is extremely rusty, but decent enough to survive. I was slightly scarred by the disdain we faced in Montreal when people realized they had to speak English to us. Rude.What the hell else is being bilingual good for if not communicating properly??  However, it will be a good challenge to be faced with non-bilingual French speakers. Hopefully my high school French teachers will be proud...

Cheers to new adventures! 

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